1/5/17 FOUND: 2 grey cats in Cooksville, IL

2 grey cats were found huddled together on the side of the road in Cooksville, IL. One is grey and white, and the other appears to be mostly grey. Please contact t Dawn Eckerty-Spencer with any information. https://www.facebook.com/dawn.eckertyspencer?fref=gs&hc_ref=ARSwdlyKOW-3ecykbq5Y6PBcjEvlal9B8-t0wu_1Cq3XKtQkSLYtt4c_fKVnGh_sYoE&dti=510764685722689&hc_location=group

1/5/18 FOUND: calico cat in Hudson, IL

A calico cat was founding Hudson, IL near the Kappa exit. The cat is now being held at McLean County Animal Control. Please call or visit during their normal business hours for more information. McLean County Animal Control 309-888-5060 Monday ….. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday ……9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday… 9:00 a.m….

1/5/18 FOUND: tabby cat with white chest in Bloomington, IL

A tabby cat with a white chest was founding Bloomington, IL. Animal control was called and that cat is now being held at MCAC. Please call or visit during their normal business hours for more information. McLean County Animal Control 309-888-5060 Monday ….. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday ……9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday……

Lost Siamese Mix in Hudson IL

He’s a smaller than average sized cat with bright blue somewhat crossed eyes, a little white spot in the center of his gray//fawn colored back and is wearing a black and white plaid bow tie collar with a bell. He doesn’t really respond to his name due to his aloof nature but is very vocal.